Privacy Policy

Medicase Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of Medicase and its affiliates in relation to your use of our websites, mobile applications and other resources intended for use by healthcare professionals and which we refer to as the "Medicase ," including the personalized information and services that meet the needs and interests of users of the Medicase , such as medical news, medical cases, medical books, medical quizzes and medical video This Privacy Policy does not apply to our properties and services that display a link to a different privacy policy. In the event that we expand the Medicase through our acquisition of another company and/or its properties, that company may operate under its own privacy policy accessible via a link on its properties until we integrate its privacy practices with ours, at which point a link to this Privacy Policy will be displayed on its properties. We provide the Services as a professional resource intended to support healthcare professionals in their efforts to provide high quality medical care to patients. You can choose whether or not you want to use the Services. If you do choose to use the Services, you must agree to the Medicase Terms of Use which is a contract between us and users of the Services. By agreeing to the Medicase Terms of Use, you confirm that you have read and understand this Privacy Policy which explains how we collect, disclose, transfer, secure and use information about you in connection with your use of the Services and the rights and choices you have regarding these activities. If you do not want us to collect and use information about you as described in this Privacy Policy, then you should not use the Services. By using the Services, you acknowledge that we will store, use and otherwise process your information in the United States and any other country from where the applicable Medicase Network property is operated. Please be aware that the privacy laws and standards in certain countries may differ from those that apply in the country in which you reside. Unless otherwise specified herein or on the property from which you have accessed this Privacy Policy, Medicase is the controller of the personal information that we collect about you as described in this Privacy Policy

Information Collected

Information about your use of the Services is collected as follows:

Registration: In order to use the Services, you may be required to register an account and provide certain personal information such as your name, email, phone no, address, profession, occupation, specialty and depending on your country of practice, your medical license number or equivalent. You may choose to update or supplement the personal information that you provided at registration at any time through your account settings or by contacting Our Customer Service.

Services Information: We automatically collect and store information about your use of the Services, such as your engagement with particular content including editorial, advertisements, sponsored informational programs from our advertisers, which may include pharmaceutical companies ("Sponsored Programs"), whether you opened a particular email, clicked on a link, your search queries and how often and when you engage with the Services. We also collect information about your device when you access the Services including IP address, precise location information, browser information (including referring URL), cookie information and advertising ID (which is a unique, user-resettable identification number for advertising associated with a mobile device). We use cookies and other tracking technologies, such as pixels, tags, web beacons and software development kits, to collect the information about your use of the Services and your device. For more information about our use of cookies and other tracking technologies in relation to your use of the Medicase Network, see our Cookie Policy.

Cross-Device Tracking: We and our service providers collect and store information about users' interactions with unaffiliated websites and applications that use our technologies, including cookies and similar tracking technologies. This allows us to infer the presence of a common user or household behind multiple devices. We do so in order to:

Market Research: You may be invited to participate in market research surveys conducted by us or on our behalf for our own internal business purposes and also market research surveys conducted by or on behalf of third party sponsors that commissioned the survey.

Public Forums: When you post a comment on a discussion board or other public forum, by default your username, specialty and degree will be displayed within the forum along with your comment. You may choose to display additional information in your public forum profile, including a photo, by adjusting your discussion profile settings. Information that you post within a public forum is public information and may be used by us and third parties.

Information and Registration Forms: From time to time we may offer you the opportunity to receive additional information or services from us or from third parties, or to register to attend live events, either in-person or via livestream. If you wish to participate in such opportunities, you may be asked to provide personal information to fulfill the request. Unless otherwise specified in the request form, we may use such information as described in this Privacy Policy and the third party, if applicable, will be required to use such personal information as described at the point of collection.

Information from Third Party Sources: We may obtain additional information about you from third party sources to assist us in providing the Services. For example, we may use third party information to verify and augment your registration information, for research purposes or to personalize the Services, including advertising.

Non-registered Users: You must register with the Medicase to gain full access to Services, however, you may be able to access certain limited Services without registering. Even if you have not registered, we collect information about your use of the Services through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The information we collect includes the referring website, if applicable, the type of browser you use, the material viewed, and the time and date that you accessed the Services.

How Your Information May be Used

Information about you may be used for the following purposes:

Provision of the Services: We may use the information collected about you to provide and improve the Services, and to develop new Services.

Member Profiles: We may associate information that we have collected about your use of the Services with your registration information and any other information we have about you, as described in this Privacy Policy, thereby creating a profile of you that we may update from time to time ("Member Profile"). This processing of your Member Profile is necessary to deliver the Services tailored according to your specialty and interests (known or inferred), as further described below in Personalize the Services Including Advertising.

Network Profiles: We may use your registration information, as well as information from Third-Party sources such as IQVIA, to create a profile for you that is viewable by other members of the Medicase , which may be associated with content with which you engage and comments you may post (collectively, your "Network Profile").

Communications: By registering as a member of the Medicase , you agree to the use of your registration information and other information collected about you as described in this Privacy Policy to communicate with you about the Services and other information that may be of interest to you. These communications may be conveyed through a variety of channels, subject to applicable law, including emails and may contain advertisements and other promotional materials from third party sponsors, including pharmaceutical companies.

Personalize the Services Including Advertising.

We may personalize the Services, including the advertising you see within the Medicase, on third party websites and in our email communications, based on information included in your Member Profile. For example, a user who Medicase believes is a cardiologist or who has browsed cardiology content with the Medicase may be served an advertisement promoting a particular cardiac product within the Medicase, on third party websites and/or within an email that a user who Medicase believes is a neurologist or has not browsed cardiology content will not see. We partner with third parties to manage and conduct our advertising activities including advertising on our websites and on third party websites. These third parties may use cookies and other tracking technologies to deliver this advertising based on your activities and interests as inferred from your use of the Services and other information they have about you. Also, advertisers may use their own cookies and other tracking technologies in the advertisements served to you through the Services, some of which may enable the advertiser to obtain personal information that can be used to specifically identify you, including the fact that you saw the advertisement, to the extent that you have separately provided consent to the advertiser or to the third party providing the tracking technology. Some advertisers use companies other than Medicase to serve their advertisements on their behalf and to monitor users' responses to these advertisements through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. While Medicase generally permits the use of third party tracking technologies based on an understanding that they comply with the Medicase Advertising Policy, we do not have control over these third parties' use of cookies and other tracking technologies or how they manage the information they gather through them and Medicase may be unable to verify compliance with the third party Advertising Policy.

Personalization is necessary for the performance of the contract between you and us according to which we deliver the Services. We analyze or deduct your preferences and interests based on a number of factors including:

your profile (information provided at the registration time), enriched with other information obtained from third-party sources such as IQVIA to ensure accuracy of our data and comply with our legal obligations;

• your interactions with our Services and the Medicase , such as:

• your viewing and search history;

• the time and location of Your access to our Services;

• the device you use;

• answers you give to surveys and quiz;

• our content you post, like, share or recommend, including through social media;

• other users with similar tastes and preferences on our Service; and

• your interactions with other websites including with the Medicase , subject to our Cookies Policy.

This information is used to classify users into different groups or segments, using algorithms and machine-learning. This analysis helps identify links and patterns between different behaviors and characteristics to recommend relevant Services for you. This will never prevent you from accessing and browsing the Services available to you within the Medicase.

Verification Purposes: We may use your information in conjunction with information from third parties to recognize you as a registered member when you visit one of our properties and to verify your identity and/or professional credentials. We may require you to provide proof of your identity, including that you are a healthcare professional, and if you are unable to do so to our reasonable satisfaction, we reserve the right to deny you access to the Services. While we take steps to verify that our members who identify as healthcare professionals are actually healthcare professionals, we make no guarantee as to their identity, professional credentials or licensure status.

Account Management: We may use your information to administer your account, respond to your inquiries, fulfill your requests and send you administrative communications about the Services.

Investigations: We may use your information to detect, investigate and defend against fraudulent or unlawful activity, violations of the Medicase Terms of Use and to otherwise establish, exercise and defend our legal rights.

Legal Grounds Medicase is relying on to use personal data. . The Services and Medicase provide tailored content from multiple sources through a single interface. We offer a free source of customized information for healthcare professionals. Being a free service, the Medicase and Services rely on advertising and partnership revenues to support the development of specialized content designed for practicing healthcare professionals to help in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The optimization of advertising to provide you with relevant commercial communications and messages therefore goes to the heart of our ability to support the creation of high-quality medical content, and is the reason behind many of the uses of personal data described below.

The use of the personal data is necessary, to, respectively:

Perform the contract entered into between Medicase and you in the context of your use of the Services. The performance of the contract includes knowing who you are, your specialty, your preferences, and centers of interests to provide tailored content, including interest-based sponsored content and tailored commercial communications. This is particularly important because the Services are designed to provide recommended content to you, and the Services are not available to the general public.

Respond to Medicase legitimate interests based on the maintenance and improvement of its Services;

When it comes to:

Newsletters, sending by email interest-based advertising or sharing granular data with sponsors, we process data based on the consent you gave us, our service providers, our sponsors, which may be revoked at any time (we may in some cases act as data processors for our sponsors);

Interest-based advertising on our websites and mobile apps and third-party websites and apps including within the Medicase , we process and combine data to enrich your profile to respond to our legitimate interests based on our business model offering free and relevant Services to you. You may oppose the use of certain Cookies and data compiling (see our Cookie notice for more details on how to refuse Cookies and other technologies). Our use of the legitimate interest legal basis is without prejudice to additional requirements on Cookies that may flow from Directive 2002/58 or any subsequent European legislation.

Process your personal data based on your consent to participate to the market research surveys and the performance of the contract entered into between Medicase and you in the context of such market research survey; and

Comply with any legal constraints applicable to Medicase or satisfy Medicase legitimate interests based on the protection of Medicase legal rights in connection with the Services and Medicase .

Sharing Your Information with Third Parties

Information about your use of the Services may be shared as follows:

Service Providers: We work with third party service providers to help us provide the Services and to otherwise assist us in the operation of the Medicase, including in the areas of email management and deployment, analytics, marketing, advertising, market research, sweepstakes and contest administration, identity and professional credential validation, content distribution, customer service, payment fulfillment, event logistics, website maintenance and data storage and security. We may provide these service providers with personal information about users of our Services so that they can fulfill their responsibilities to us, however, we do require that they agree to limit their use of this personal information to the fulfillment of these responsibilities. To provide you with certain personalization and advertising services described herein, we may share certain information that we may collect from you, such as your email address (in hashed form), IP address or information about your browser or operating system, with our service provider, LiveRamp Inc. and its affiliates, which may in turn link demographic or interest-based information to your browser. You may opt out of this use here.

Consent We may disclose your personal information to a third party in a manner not addressed by this Privacy Policy subject to your consent at such time.

Legal Requirements We may release personal information when we believe release (i) is required to comply with valid legal requirements such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order and to meet national security or law enforcement requirements; or (ii) is reasonable in response to a physical threat to you or others, to protect property or defend or assert legal rights of us or others.

Security of Information

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect the personal information that we have under our control from unauthorized access, use, disclosure and accidental loss. When you enter personal information, we encrypt the transmission of that information or use SSL connections (Secure Socket Layer) technology. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your account username and password. Unfortunately, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. Therefore, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Medicase shall retain a user's personal data up to one (1) year after the user's account deactivation subject to any relevant provisions of applicable law. Thereafter, the data will be archived (notably to comply with any applicable statute of limitations) or fully anonymized.

Choice and Control

• Account Information. You may update your registration information at any time through the Account Management feature available on each of our properties. You may also contact Customer Support at and request that your registration information be updated or deleted. Note that if we delete your account, we may maintain certain de-identified information about you for internal business purposes including research, analytics and reporting.

• Cookies. Most browser software can be set to reject all cookies, including third party cookies, however, if you choose to reject our cookies, your ability to access and use the Services will be limited. Refer to our Cookie Policy for additional information about opting out of cookies.

• Precise Location Information. You may disable the transmission of precise location information through your device settings. To change location settings on your device, please refer to your device's official knowledge base.

• Email Communications. If you no longer wish to receive a particular type of email communication from us, you may unsubscribe by clicking the "unsubscribe" link located at the bottom of the email and following the instructions. Also, you may manage your newsletter subscriptions within the newsletter subscriptions area within your account settings. Note that certain email communications that we send to members are service-related and as long as you are a member of the Medicase , you may not unsubscribe from such emails. Also, if you have provided us with more than one email address, we may continue to contact you using the other email address not associated with the emails from which you have unsubscribed, until you unsubscribe from emails sent to that other address.

• Push Notifications. We may send you push notifications from time-to-time to notify you of upcoming events or promotions we think may be relevant to you. If you no longer wish to receive these types of notifications, you may turn them off at the device level.

Children's Privacy

The Medicase and the Services are designed and intended for use by all aged people.

Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time and any changes will be effective upon posting of the modified Privacy Policy unless we advise otherwise. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you by email (sent to the email address included in your account profile) and/or by means of a notice on our websites before the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy for the latest information on our privacy practices. By continuing to use the Services after changes are made to this Privacy Policy, you agree to such changes.